Friday, December 3, 2010

Food Fights!

One of the more boring aspects of being on the road was driving from gig to gig. While we usually stayed at a gig for 2-6 weeks, we still had some long hauls, especially when driving from NY to Miami, which we did at least twice a year. Typically leaving NY on a Saturday night after a gig and having to open in Miami on a Monday. We did ANYTHING to stay awake!!!!

We usually traveled in pairs with one person driving and the other person trying to stay awake. A game that we invented to keep EVERYONE awake was the food fight while going 65 down the interstate (at that time the speed limit was 55).

Here's how it worked. The driver of said vehicle would pull along side another vehicle in our caravan, and the passenger would throw as much food etc. at the other vehicle, while the passenger in the other vehicle was doing the same. It made for some VERY funny moments. And while I can't say that it was the safest driving habit, we did have a TOTAL blast seeing what food items would be coming out from your road foe. Jello and pudding cups was a favorite from my van!

I can only imagine what other cars must have thought about this event. It would have been a "hoot" to watch this!


1 comment:

  1. hey, im one of your students for Jazz styles past&present. all i gotta say is whoa- didn't know this kinda stuff ever happens to musicians.
